The purpose of the Global Calculator model is to help mobilise the support of businesses, NGOs and governments for ambitious action at the UNFCCC negotiations in December 2015. The global energy, food, land and climate system is very complex and the key issues are not widely understood outside of the technical expert community. For the first time ever, non-experts are able to explore the interdependencies between energy, land, food and climate and engage in the debate in a more informed way. Already, over 10 different organisations have specified their view of how the world should transition to 2C and published these in the Global Calculator tool. This debate is critical to help mobilise support among a broad stakeholder group (businesses, NGOs, governments) for a good deal in the 2015 negotiations.
Below are answers to some common questions about the Calculator project, model, and how it can be used. We have listed over 30 questions, but if we haven't answered yours, please email