Developed by the Global Calculator team
This is one of four plausible 2°C pathways created by the Global Calculator team to generate the messages of our report Prosperous living for the world in 2050 (PDF 1.43MB).
In this pathway, the effort to decarbonise is spread fairly evenly across all sectors. Specifically, level 2.8 across all technology and fuel, and land and food levers.
Common features of all four pathways:
- Lifestyle levers are set at the same level as the IEA 6DS business as usual scenario (with the exception of the “consumer activism” pathway, in which the levers "mode", "occupancy & load", "car own or hire", "quantity of meat", "type of meat" and "product lifespan & demand" are altered).
- All four pathways can be considered consistent with projected patterns of economic development.
- Population and urbanisation are set at the central UN projections (level 2).
- Emissions after 2050 are set at around level 2.8 to allow continued reductions toward zero.
- No level 1s or 4s selected in order to avoid extremely ambitious or pessimistic scenarios.
- No use of speculative greenhouse gas removal (GGR) technologies as these are unproven.